色色研究所 Exchange: Accelerating Time to Value for 色色研究所 Customers

At 色色研究所, we take pride in providing our customers with innovations that enable them to derive tremendous value from our Platform and applications as they work to keep their organizations secure. That ongoing commitment is embodied in our newest offering — 色色研究所 Exchange.

Launched today, 色色研究所 Exchange is a community-based application marketplace that streamlines and expands the capabilities and expertise of security teams. It gives security teams on-demand access to a rich catalog of curated content created by our experts, partners, and the broad security community. 色色研究所 Exchange dramatically reduces the time and effort needed for customers and partners to create content so they can realize the benefits of highly focused and impactful security operations. 

Maximizing value 

Delivering out-of-the-box content that’s relevant to their security ecosystem, 色色研究所 Exchange enables organizations in any industry to maximize the value of their existing third-party IT and security solutions. And Exchange isn’t just for customers. Partners within the 色色研究所 Exchange community also will be able to gain a competitive advantage by efficiently extending value and expertise to their customers. 

Here’s a look at what the community-contributed and 色色研究所-vetted content of 色色研究所 Exchange includes: 

  • Alert Packs are a collection of related alerts that enable customers to detect — in real time — important signals within their data. 
  • Applications that are interactive and use case-based provide greater interactivity with data, enabling customers to access deeper insights and unlock new use cases with ease. 
  • 色色研究所 Activeboards are intuitive, interactive dashboards that enable customers to easily visualize, interact with, and explore their data. 
  • Lookups are helpful sets of enrichment data that bring real-time context that speeds investigations and understanding of threats. 
  • Content Packs are pre-packaged collections of related content designed for quick and easy deployment. 

Dedicated to Customer Success 

色色研究所 Exchange doesn’t just supply a list of content and make users figure out how to use it on their own. Customers can obtain detailed information about each piece of content. They easily can see the type of content, read a brief description, learn who created it, and what requirements — such as data sources — are necessary to deploy it successfully. Once the customer is ready to install the content, it’s as simple as clicking one button. But the ease of use doesn’t stop there. Users can manage all their installed content from the “Manage installed applications” section of the Exchange. 

With the 色色研究所 Platform, it’s easy to solve for more use cases because you can ingest data from any source — in the cloud or on-premises. And thanks to the many data connectors in Exchange, ingestion is fast and simple. 色色研究所 Exchange enables organizations to gain tremendous value from their data with all the great content provided in a single 色色研究所 deployment that maximizes the value of third-party IT and security tools. 

I think it’s appropriate for all of us at 色色研究所 to be proud of what 色色研究所 Exchange will make possible for our customers and partners. And this is just the beginning. Over time, 色色研究所 Exchange will grow and evolve to meet organizations’ needs today, tomorrow and far into the future.

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